1 Cent: History

Alexander Malioukov, 10.03.2024 23:12
Field Accept Update Old version
Position: 5
Year: 1969 AD
Mint: Pretoria Mint, South Africa (SA)
Mintage: 10196000
Alt. Catalog: Hern# D25
Position: 5
Year: 1969 AD
Mint: Pretoria Mint, South Africa (SA)
Mintage: 10
Alt. Catalog: Hern# D25
none Position: 6
Year: 1967 AD
Alt. Catalog: Hern# D22
none Position: 7
Year: 0 AD
Alt. Catalog: Hern# D26
Alexander Malioukov, 10.03.2024 23:12
Alexander Malioukov, 10.03.2024 23:12
Field Accept Update Old version
Position: 1
Source: NumisCorner.com
Link: https://www.numiscorner.com/?utm_source=coin-brothers&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=Img_credit
Cover: Yes
Position: 2
Source: NumisCorner.com
Link: https://www.numiscorner.com/?utm_source=coin-brothers&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=Img_credit
Cover: Yes
Position: 3
Source: NumisCorner.com
Link: https://www.numiscorner.com/?utm_source=coin-brothers&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=Img_credit
Cover: Yes
Reverse description
Two Cape sparrows perched on a branch with denomination above. The Cape sparrow or mossie (Passer melanurus) is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae found in southern Africa. A medium-sized sparrow at 14–16 centimetres (5.5–6.3 in), it has distinctive plumage including large pale head stripes. Both sexes are mostly coloured grey, brown, and chestnut, and the male has some black and white markings on its head and neck. It inhabits semi-arid savannah, cultivated areas, and towns, and ranges from the central coast of Angola to eastern South Africa and Swaziland. Two Cape sparrows perched on branch with denomination above. The Cape sparrow or mossie (Passer melanurus) is a bird of the sparrow family Passeridae found in southern Africa. A medium-sized sparrow at 14–16 centimetres (5.5–6.3 in), it has distinctive plumage including large pale head stripes. Both sexes are mostly coloured grey, brown, and chestnut, and the male has some black and white markings on its head and neck. It inhabits semi-arid savannah, cultivated areas, and towns, and ranges from the central coast of Angola to eastern South Africa and Swaziland.
Alexander Malioukov, 10.03.2024 23:12
Robert Cronje, 10.03.2024 22:34
Field Accept Update Old version
1 Cent, South Africa none
Alexander Malioukov, 10.03.2024 23:12