

2 Euro

  • 2 Euro Portugal 2023, KM# 942
$3 UNC
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KM# 942

Qty. 34


Type Commemorative issue (Circulating)
Material Nickel Brass
Weight 8.5 g
Diametr 25.75 mm
Thickness 2.2 mm
Shape round
Alignment Medal
Mint Portuguese Mint and Official Printing Office (INCM)

Depicts a part of the armillary sphere of the Portuguese coat of arms in the centre, surrounded by the word "Peace" in the 16 official languages of all 20 countries of the Eurozone. Inscriptions (mint, engraver, country and date) around. The outer ring contains the twelve stars of the European Union.

Engraver: José S. Teixeira


A geographical map of Western Europe spans the outer ring and inner core on the right side of the coin. The inscription 2 EURO is superimposed over the map of Europe, with the numeral “2” located in an open field representing the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

12 stars are located on the right side of the outer ring, with six stars atop the map of Europe and six stars below it; six vertical stripes cut across the inner core of the coin, visually connecting the upper and lower star segments.

Luc Luycx, a designer at the Royal Belgian Mint, designed the Euro’s common reverse; his initials, LL, are seen on the right side of the design, just under the “O” in “EURO.”


The edge design features the seven castles and five coats of arms also found on the national side, all equally spaced

Western Europe Registred mail €10.4
Spain Registred mail €6.93
World Registred mail €11.56

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