Obverse. Photo © Stephan Album Rare Coins
  • 500 Rials 1982, Y# 48, Yemen, North (Arab Republic), 20th Anniversary of the 26 September Revolution
  • 500 Rials 1982, Y# 48, Yemen, North (Arab Republic), 20th Anniversary of the 26 September Revolution

The North Yemen civil war, also known as the 26 September Revolution, lasted from 1962 to 1970. It pitted supporters of the Mutawakkilite Kingdom against those of the newly formed Yemen Arab Republic. The conflict began with a coup led by Abdullah as-Sallal, who ousted King Muhammad al-Badr and declared Yemen a republic. The Imam sought support from northern Zaydi tribes and foreign allies, leading to a full-scale civil war.

Supporting the royalists were Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, while Egypt and the Soviet Union backed the republicans. The involvement of foreign forces, including Egyptian troops, led to a stalemate by the mid-1960s. Egypt's commitment to the war strained its resources and contributed to its defeat in the Six-Day War against Israel in 1967. Facing internal dissent and pressure from the royalists, the republic government saw multiple changes in leadership. The 1967 siege of Sana'a marked a turning point, with the royalists ultimately lifting the siege in 1968. Clashes persisted alongside peace talks until 1970, when Saudi Arabia recognized the Republic and a ceasefire was declared.

The Yemen Arab Republic (YAR), also known simply as North Yemen or Yemen (Sanaʽa), was a country from 1962 to 1990 in the northwestern part of what is now Yemen. Its capital was at Sanaʽa. It united with the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (commonly known as South Yemen) on May 22, 1990 to form the current Republic of Yemen.


Depicts the coat of arms of the Yemen Arab Republic (1974–1990) surrounded by the inscription "Central Bank of Yemen" in Arabic above and dates below.

The national emblem of Yemen depicts the Hawk of Quraish with a scroll between its claws. On the scroll is written the name of the country (Yemen Arab Republic) in Arabic. The chest of the eagle contains a shield that depicts a coffee plant and the Marib Dam, with seven blue wavy stripes below. The flagstaffs on the right and left of the eagle hold the flag of Yemen.

The Hawk of Quraish is a symbol which is found on a number of emblems, coat of arms and flags of several states of the Arab world. The Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, today especially those from the Persian Gulf coast, are traditionally falconry experts; falcons (and hawks) are seen as status symbols and one of the Arabs' favourite animals. Also the traditions and recorded history about the Quraysh and Muhammad claim a falcon had been used as clan symbol. Therefore, several variants of the Quraishi hawk were and are seen in the flags, coat of arms, seals and emblems of several Arab states until today. In that meaning, the Hawk of Quraish is a rival to the so-called Eagle of Saladin.

البنك المركزي اليمني
الجمهورية العربية اليمنية
١٩٨٢ - 1982


Depicts the Marib Dam below the road with an electrical column on the left, wheat with a traditional house on the right, and a family in the middle behind a factory within a cogwheel inside a circle surrounded by the inscription in Arabic above, in English below and denomination in the both sides.

The Marib Dam is a modern dam situated in the Ma'rib Governorate in Yemen. It obstructs the wadi, or valley, of Adhanah (also referred to as Dhanah) in the Balaq Hills. Constructed in the 1980s, the current dam stands near the remains of the ancient dam, which dates back to the 8th century BC. The ancient dam was renowned as one of the marvels of engineering in its time and played a pivotal role in the Sabaean and Himyarite kingdoms' civilizations centered around Ma'rib.

الذكرى العشرون لثورة ال٢٦ من سبتمبر المجيدة
500 ٥٠٠
RIALS ريال

Type Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)
Material Gold
Fineness 0.917
Weight 15.98 g
Diameter 28.4 mm
Thickness -
Shape round
Alignment Medal
Royal Mint

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