Obverse. Photo © Magyar Nemzeti Bank
  • 2000 Forint 2019, Adamo# EM380, Hungary, 150th Anniversary of the Hungarian State Institute of Geology
  • 2000 Forint 2019, Adamo# EM380, Hungary, 150th Anniversary of the Hungarian State Institute of Geology

Established in 1869 as the Royal Hungarian Geological Institute, the Hungarian State Geological Institute (MÁFI) saw its founding document signed by Ferenc József I. On April 1, 2012, it merged with the Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Institute to form the Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute (MFGI). This institute is dedicated to geological and geophysical research, aiming to comprehend the Earth's crust and mantle, promote sustainable management of mineral resources and water, explore energy resources, and analyze Earth processes. Situated in an Art Nouveau building in Budapest, designed by Ödön Lechner and completed in 1898-1899 under Sándor Hauszmann's direction, the institute also hosts Hungary's largest geological collection, preserving minerals, rocks, fossils, and historic science photographs.

Engraver: László Szunyogh


Depicts a rock fragment containing an ammonite fossil. Following the outline of the fossil, the word "ammonite" is visible. At the top edge, in three consecutive rows, the inscriptions "GEOLOGICAL," "INSTITUTE," and "1869" are placed, while at the bottom, on the left side, the issuance year "2019" is shown, and on the right side, the mint mark "BP" is situated.

Ammonites, marine mollusks of the class Cephalopoda and subclass Ammonoidea, inhabited oceans from the Devonian period, approximately 419 million years ago, until the end of the Cretaceous period, around 66 million years ago. Known for their diverse shapes, sizes, and shell ornamentation, ammonites had coiled shells divided into chambers filled with gas, aiding in buoyancy and depth control. Predatory in nature, they used tentacles to capture prey and a sharp beak to break it down. The name "ammonite" originates from their resemblance to the ram's horns of the ancient Egyptian god Ammon. Valued by scientists, these fossils offer insights into ancient marine environments, evolution, and geological history.

2019 BP.


Depicts the building of the Hungarian Mining and Geological Service, formerly the Geological Institute. In the foreground, the pediment adorned with floral motifs; in the background, the peak of the building's roof, with Atlas figures supporting the globe on their shoulders, is visible. At the top edge is the inscription "HUNGARY", below which, in two horizontal rows, the denomination and the text "FORINT" can be read, and at the bottom, integrated into the depiction, the engraver's privy mark is placed.


Type Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)
Material Copper Nickel
Weight 27 g
Diameter -
Width 26.4 mm
Height 39.6 mm
Thickness -
Shape rectangular
Alignment Medal
Budapest Mint (BP)