Obverse. Photo © Magyar Nemzeti Bank
  • 2000 Forint 2020, Adamo# EM404, Hungary, 150th Anniversary of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
  • 2000 Forint 2020, Adamo# EM404, Hungary, 150th Anniversary of the Hungarian Meteorological Service

The organizational regulations for Hungary's first independent meteorological scientific institute were prepared by Guidó Schenzl and János Hunfalvy and discussed at a Hungarian Academy of Sciences meeting on April 6, 1868. King Francis Joseph I established the Meteorological and Geodetic Royal Hungarian Central Institute on April 8, 1870. The institute was located at the Budai Főreáliskola, where meteorological measurements had been conducted since 1861. Hungary joined the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in 1893, facilitating standardized global observations and communication.

Meteorology's significance grew during wartime, especially from 1939, as weather forecasts became crucial for military operations. Despite bomb hits on its central building, the institute continued to operate throughout the war. Initially supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture until 1950 and then by the Ministry of Defense, the institute's focus on geomagnetism was removed, and it was renamed the National Meteorological Institute (OMI).

In 1970, the institution was restructured and renamed the National Meteorological Service, comprising three internal branches: the Central Forecasting Institute, the Central Meteorological Institute, and the Central Atmospheric Physics Institute.

Engraver: Mercédesz Molnár


Depicts a landscape of Lake Balaton with a synoptic map representation of a weather system associated with a cyclone, showing the cold and warm fronts. Integrated into the depiction, on the bottom right, the engraver's privy mark is placed. Along the edge, at the top, the inscription "National Meteorological Service" is seen, while at the bottom, the text "Established: 1870" is visible.

Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat
Alapítva: 1870


Depicts a schematic representation of a cyclone based on the logo of the National Meteorological Service. Along the edge, at the top, the inscription "HUNGARY" is visible. Below, arranged in two horizontal rows on the right side, are the denomination and the inscription "FORINT." On the bottom left, in two horizontal rows, the mint mark "BP." and the issuance year "2020" are placed. On the right side, the inscription "OMSZ" is featured.


Type Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)
Material Copper Nickel
Weight 38.5 g
Diameter -
Width 38.61 mm
Height 38.61 mm
Thickness -
Shape square
Alignment Medal
Budapest Mint (BP)

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