Obverse. Photo © Magyar Nemzeti Bank
  • 3000 Forint 2023, Hungary, 75th Anniversary of the Hungarian National Ambulance Service
  • 3000 Forint 2023, Hungary, 75th Anniversary of the Hungarian National Ambulance Service

The National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) is Hungary's largest ambulance and healthcare institution, serving the entire country for over 70 years through 255 ambulance stations and rescue points. Before 1887, first aid in Hungary was provided by police doctors. Inspired by foreign models, Dr. Géza Kresz initiated a movement to organize a rescue service in Budapest. This led to the establishment of the Budapest Voluntary Ambulance Association (BÖME) on May 10, 1887, with Aladár Andrássy as president and Géza Kresz as professional leader. In 1890, BÖME moved to Markó Street, where their headquarters, still in use today, was completed in 1899. Initially serving only Budapest, voluntary associations soon spread to rural areas. On May 10, 1948, the state established the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ), starting with 76 stations, 399 employees, and 156 ambulances. Today, the OMSZ operates 255 stations and covers 40 million kilometers on Hungary’s roads annually.

Engraver: Mercédesz Molnár


Depicts a map of Hungary rendered in a modern, crystal-like style, highlighting the network of the National Ambulance Service. On the right side, partially integrated into the map, is the National Ambulance Service's logo. Along the edge, the inscription "NATIONAL AMBULANCE SERVICE" is at the top and "FOUNDED 1948" at the bottom. The engraver's privy mark is located on the left side.



Depicts the logo of the Hungarian National Ambulance Service, including the Constantine Cross and the Rod of Asclepius with a snake coiled around a staff, symbolizing healing. To the right, in two lines, are the inscriptions "HUNGARY," the denomination, and "Ft" (Forint). Below the depiction, in two lines, are the mint mark "BP." and the year of issue "2023." At the bottom right edge, in a circular inscription, is the motto of the National Ambulance Service, "DEDICATED TO LIFE."

3000 Ft

Type Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)
Material Copper Nickel
Weight 31.46 g
Diameter 38.61 mm
Thickness -
Shape round
Alignment Medal
Budapest Mint (BP)

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