Obverse. Photo © Magyar Nemzeti Bank
  • 3000 Forint 2023, Hungary, Hungarian Explorers and Their Inventions, John von Neumann
  • 3000 Forint 2023, Hungary, Hungarian Explorers and Their Inventions, John von Neumann

On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of John von Neumann's birth, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB), in tribute to the world-renowned Hungarian mathematician, issued a commemorative coin in the popular series showcasing Hungarian scientists, inventors, and their inventions.

John von Neumann (Hungarian: Neumann János Lajos, 1903–1957) was a Hungarian-American polymath, excelling in mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, and more. His wide-ranging expertise made him a pioneer in various fields, including mathematics, physics, economics, computing, and statistics. He made significant contributions to quantum physics, functional analysis, game theory, and digital computing. Von Neumann also played a crucial role during World War II, working on the Manhattan Project and contributing to the development of implosion-type nuclear weapons. His expertise extended beyond wartime efforts, consulting for various organizations and chairing Defense Department committees. He was highly regarded as a defense scientist and nuclear weaponry expert, earning accolades such as the Medal of Freedom and having a crater on the Moon named after him.

Engraver: Balázs Pelcz


Depicts the portrait of John von Neumann. To the left and right of the portrait are the years of his birth and death, marked as "1903" and "1957" respectively. Below the portrait, in two rows, János Neumann's signature and the inscription "JÁNOS NEUMANN" are placed.

1903 - 1957
John von Neumann


The composition, crafted in collaboration with the Computer Science Society of János Neumann, established in 1968, features a plastic representation depicting concentric, progressively smaller pentagons arranged in a vortex-like pattern. This design symbolically evokes János Neumann's concept of self-replicating automata. Below the artwork, the inscription "PATIENCE · FLEXIBILITY · INTELLIGENCE" reflects the mathematician's 1950s perspective on development, emphasizing these human qualities as essential for overcoming challenges and adapting to change. The obverse of the coin includes standard commemorative details: "HUNGARY" at the top, "3000" at the bottom with "FORINT", and the mint year "2023" positioned above the central image on the left, accompanied by "BP." on the right. The engraver's mark is located in the lower left corner of the central motif.

2023 BP.

Type Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)
Material Copper Nickel
Weight 14 g
Diameter -
Width 28.4 mm
Height 28.4 mm
Thickness 2.1 mm
Shape square
Alignment Medal
Budapest Mint (BP)

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