Obverse. Photo © Stephan Album Rare Coins
  • 10 Paise 1930, KM# 901, Afghanistan, Habibullah Kalakani
  • 10 Paise 1930, KM# 901, Afghanistan, Habibullah Kalakani

The Saqqawists were an armed group in Afghanistan active from 1924 to 1931, led by Habibullāh Kalakāni. In January 1929, they captured Kabul and re-established the Emirate of Afghanistan, but were ousted by October 1929 due to defeats in the Afghan Civil War. Kalakani's rule from January to October 1929 is known as the "Saqqawist period." Despite a subsequent rebellion in 1930, the Saqqawists were finally suppressed by 1931.

Habibullah Kalakani (1891–1929), derisively called "Bacha-ye Saqao" (literally "son of the water carrier") by the Pashtuns, ruled Afghanistan from 17 January to 13 October 1929 and led the Saqqawists. During the Afghan Civil War (1928–1929), he captured significant territories and controlled Kabul. An ethnic Tajik, Kalakani was not recognized as the ruler of Afghanistan by any country. He contested the throne with Amanullah Khan and, after defeating him, was eventually overthrown by Mohammad Nadir Shah.


Depicts the emblem of the Emirate of Afghanistan, denomination in Persian letters (10 Paise) divided two five-pointed stars at the top.

The Afghan Emblem features a mosque with a mihrab and minbar (pulpit) at its center, Karakul hat above. Flanking the mosque are two flags, topped with a royal shako. The mosque is encircled by rays forming eight points, inspired by 19th-century Ottoman Imperial standards, symbolizing Afghanistan's flags surrounded by wheat sheaves with ribbon below.

★ ده پیسه ★


Depicts Habibullah Khan's name, Amir of Afghanistan in the center (from bottom to top) with his title around (from the top clockwise) "The servant of the religion of Messenger of Allah", the date of accession in Lunar Hijri below surrounded by a wreath tied with ribbon, denomination in Pashto letters divided two five-pointed stars at the top.

★ لس پیسے ★
خادم دين رسول الله


10 Paise

Saqqawist Emirate
KM# 901
Material Copper
Weight 3.75 g
Diameter 21.9 mm
Thickness 1.35 mm
Shape round
Alignment Medal
Kabul Mint

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