Obverse. Photo © WCN
  • 5 Kwacha 2005, Malawi, Papal Visits, John Paul II in Poland
  • 5 Kwacha 2005, Malawi, Papal Visits, John Paul II in Poland

During his reign, Pope John Paul II, known as "The Pilgrim Pope," made 146 pastoral visits within Italy and 104 international trips, covering over 1,167,000 km (725,000 mi), more than all previous popes combined. He attracted massive crowds, with some of the largest gatherings in history. While some destinations, such as the United States and Israel, had been visited by his predecessor Paul VI, many were unprecedented papal visits. John Paul II visited 129 countries, including nine visits to Poland, eight to France, seven to the United States, and five each to Mexico and Spain. His travels spanned six continents, reaching countries such as Albania, Brazil, India, Israel, and the Philippines.

Pope John Paul II's visit to Poland from June 16 to June 23, 1983, marked a historic and deeply emotional moment for the nation, as it was his first return since his election to the papacy in 1978. The visit came at a time of political unrest, with the Solidarity movement facing repression under the communist regime. During his stay, the Pope delivered powerful speeches calling for human rights, dignity, and solidarity among the Polish people. He celebrated Mass in various cities, including Warsaw and Kraków, drawing massive crowds that demonstrated the strength of the Catholic faith and the yearning for freedom. His presence offered hope and encouragement to Poles, reinforcing their spiritual resilience and unity in the face of oppression. This visit not only deepened the connection between the Church and the Polish people but also played a crucial role in the eventual decline of communist control in the country.


Depicts the coat of arms of Malawi dividing the date, country name above and denomination below.

Malawi's coat of arms is based on Nyasaland's earlier heraldic arms. It features a shield supported by a lion and a leopard, standing on a representation of Mount Mulanje. The shield is divided into three parts: wavy lines symbolizing water, a central stripe with a lion representing strength, and a rising sun, symbolizing hope and new beginnings. Above the shield is a fish eagle in front of a rising sun, symbolizing freedom. The scroll below the shield bears the national motto, "Unity and Freedom," reflecting Malawi's goals of harmony and independence.

20 05


Depicts Pope John Paul II wearing a cassock, and mitre and holding a papal ferula dividing the Cathedral Island with the city name (Wrocław ) below it, Vatican emblem below them behind a banner containing the date of visit (days and year) and the number of visits within a circle from 104 Papal visits surrounded by country names above with crosses above and inscription of occasion and His Holiness name below.

Cathedral Island (Polish: Ostrów Tumski) is the oldest part of Wrocław in southwestern Poland, originally an island between branches of the Oder River. Today, it's a popular tourist destination known for its preserved historical charm, including the tradition of lighting gas street lamps by a lamplighter each evening, one of the few places in Europe where this still occurs. The area has a rich history dating back to the 10th century, when it was first settled by the Piast dynasty and became the site of Wrocław’s first cathedral and bishopric. Over time, it transitioned from a defensive settlement to a religious hub, with notable residents including Nicolaus Copernicus. By the 19th century, it ceased to be a true island due to changes in the city's waterways.

The coat of arms of the Holy See combines two crossed keys and a tiara, used as the official emblem of the Holy See, and by extension the wider Catholic Church. These forms have origins attested from the 14th century.

+ + + + + + + POLAND + + + + + + +
16.06.-23.06. 18 1983


5 Kwacha


Papal Visits
John Paul II in Poland

Subscribe series
Type Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)
Material Silver Plated Cupronickel
Weight 27.1 g
Diameter 38.7 mm
Thickness -
Shape round
Alignment Medal

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