
The Kingdom of Sarawak (also known as the State of Sarawak) was a British protectorate located in the northwestern part of the island of Borneo. It was established as an independent kingdom from a series of land concessions acquired by an Englishman, James Brooke, from the Sultanate of Brunei. The kingdom received recognition as an independent state from the United States in 1850, and from the United Kingdom in 1864. The kingdom was made a British protectorate in 1888. World War II and the arrival of Japanese forces ultimately brought an end to the Raj and the Protectorate administration, with the territory placed under a military administration on the Japanese capitulation in 1945, and ceded to Britain as a Crown Colony in 1946. The area now forms the Malaysian state of Sarawak.


Head of 1st Rajah of Sarawak James Brooke left surrounded by his name and title.

James Brooke (1803–1868) was a British adventurer and the first White Rajah of Sarawak, ruling from 1841 until his death. A former soldier and trader, he was granted control of Sarawak by Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin II of Brunei as a reward for helping suppress a rebellion. Brooke established a personal monarchy, implementing legal and administrative reforms while maintaining indigenous traditions. He sought to end piracy and headhunting, promoted trade, and introduced a system of governance that blended British and local practices. His rule was controversial, with accusations of excessive force against local uprisings, but he was admired for his vision of a just and orderly Sarawak. Despite challenges, including an inquiry into his governance by the British government, his legacy endured, and his family continued to rule Sarawak until 1946.



Value within an olive wreath with ribbon below, kingdom name above and date below.



1/2 Cent

KM# 2 Y# 3 Pr# 57
Material Copper
Weight 4.653 g
Diameter 22 mm
Thickness -
Shape round
Alignment Medal
Heaton Mint, Birmingham (H)

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