Obverse. Photo © NumisCorner.com
  • 1 Franc 1831, KM# 742, France, Louis Philippe I
  • 1 Franc 1831, KM# 742, France, Louis Philippe I

Louis Philippe I (1773–1850) was King of the French from 1830 to 1848 as the leader of the Orléanist party. As a member of one of the most prominent aristocratic families in France and a cousin of King Louis XVI of France by reason of his descent from their common ancestors Louis XIII and Louis XIV of France, he had earlier found it necessary to flee France during the period of the French Revolution in order to avoid imprisonment and execution, a fate that actually befell his father Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans. He spent 21 years in exile after he left France in 1793. He was proclaimed king in 1830 after his cousin Charles X was forced to abdicate in the wake of the events of the July Revolution of that year. His government, known as the July Monarchy, was dominated by members of a wealthy French elite and numerous former Napoleonic officials. He followed conservative policies, especially under the influence of the French statesman François Guizot during the period 1840–48. He also promoted friendship with Britain and sponsored colonial expansion, notably the conquest of Algeria. His popularity faded as economic conditions in France deteriorated in 1847, and he was forced to abdicate after the outbreak of the French Revolution of 1848. He lived out his life in exile in Great Britain.

Engraver: Nicolas-Pierre Tiolier


Bare bust facing right surrounded by the inscription 'Louis Philippe I King of the French'. Engraver's name below.



Denomination above mint and mint director marks and date at centre, all encircled by olive branches. Chief engravers' privy mark (five-pointed star, Nicolas-Pierre Tiolier, 1816-1843) below.



1 Franc

2nd Kingdom
KM# 742 Gadoury# 452
Material Silver
Fineness 0.900
Weight 5 g
Diameter 23 mm
Thickness -
Shape round
Alignment Coin
Alt # KM# 742.1, KM# 742.2, KM# 742.3, KM# 742.4, KM# 742.5, KM# 742.6, KM# 742.7, KM# 742.8, KM# 742.9, KM# 742.10, KM# 742.11, KM# 742.12
Bayonne Mint (L)
Bordeaux Mint (K)
La Rochelle Mint (H)
Lille Mint (W)
Limoges Mint (I)
Lyon Mint (D)
Nantes Mint (T)
Paris Mint (A)
Perpignan Mint (Q)
Rouen Mint (B)
Strasbourg Mint (BB)
Toulouse Mint (M)

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