Obverse. Photo © NumisCorner.com
  • 2 Rubles 2000, Y# 666, Russia, Federation, Hero Cities, Murmansk
  • 2 Rubles 2000, Y# 666, Russia, Federation, Hero Cities, Murmansk

Hero City is a Soviet honorary title awarded for outstanding heroism during World War II (Eastern Front was known in the former Soviet Union as The Great Patriotic War). It was awarded to twelve cities of the Soviet Union. According to the statute, the hero city is issued the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

The city of Murmansk, located on the Kola Peninsula close to the Norwegian and Finnish borders, was a strategically important sea port and industrial city. It was the only Soviet port on the northern coast that did not freeze in the winter, and was vital for the transport of supplies to the South. German forces, including 800 Finns under German command, launched an offensive against Murmansk on 29 June 1941. More than 180,000 grenades and inflammable shells were fired on the city itself. Fierce Soviet resistance in the tundra and several Soviet counter-attacks made an Axis breakthrough impossible, however. Axis forces discontinued their attacks in late October 1941, having failed to take Murmansk or to cut off the Karelian railway line. Murmansk was awarded the title Hero City in 1985.

Date of issue: 04.05.2000


In the centre, a little to the left denomination of the coin: the figure 2 and words under it RUBLES and BANK OF RUSSIA written horizontal, below along the rim and on the right part of the disc the stylized vegetable ornament (vine sprig) in form of a branch with two interwoven caulescents, to the right at the rim the Moscow Mint's trademark (MMD).



Depicts two transport vessels of the naval escort, close to them a fountain of an explosion, above them an aircraft, to the left the Gold Star Medal, to the right a warship. In the lower part of the ring the inscription along the rim: MURMANSK.

Artist: A. V. Baklanov
Sculptor: I. S. Komshilov



2 Rubles

Y# 666 CBR# 5010-0007
Type Commemorative Issue (Circulating)
Material Nickel Brass
Weight 5 g
Diameter 23 mm
Thickness 1.8 mm
Shape round
Alignment Medal
Moscow Mint (MMD)

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Nickel Brass, 5 g, ⌀ 23 mm

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Nickel Brass, 5 g, ⌀ 23 mm

Hero Cities

Nickel Brass, 5 g, ⌀ 23 mm