Reeded and lettered
Found 751 coins

Algeria    3 coins

50th Anniversary

Algerian War of Independence

Bi-Metallic, 12 g, ⌀ 28 mm
Ahmed Zabana

Heroes of the Revolution

Bi-Metallic, 12 g, ⌀ 28 mm
60th Anniversary

Algerian War of Independence

Bi-Metallic, 12 g, ⌀ 28 mm

Andorra    11 coins

20 Years in the Council of Europe

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm
30th Anniversary Since 18 Became Legal Age

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm
100th Anniversary of the Coronation of Our Lady of Meritxell

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm
Old People in COVID-19

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm
Legend of Charlemagne

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm
10th Anniversary of Euro in Andorra

Bi-Metallic, 8.5 g, ⌀ 25.75 mm
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